Sunday, 3 June 2012

My thoughts on Star Wars: The Phantom Menace

So I thought I'd watch all the Star Wars' again, because I recently got them for my birthday. I thought I would start with the bad ones, because otherwise I would have no inspiration to watch the bad ones after I had already watched the good ones. So tonight I watched The Phantom Menace. Yes the one everyone hates. Now the thing is, I hadn't seen it in a while, so I couldn't really remembered why I disliked it so much. This is why...

George Lucas has done a James Cameron and thought that special effects would be able to let him get away with having such an awful story, but this just didn't work. It only worked for Cameron because he had an above average story, albeit cliched and stolen from countless other books/films, but it was okay. The Phantom Menace story is so weak. From the start you feel like you've missed something, which is pretty awful due to this being a prequel that is there to give you information on what has happened. The story is very stop/start, also. It starts off fairly strongly, then has a massive dip, when Jar Jar Binks comes in (I'll come on to that), then it starts to get fairly interesting when you meet Anakin (which should have happened far earlier may I add), even though it is terribly childish and very PG. It then has another major dip with all the political nonsense the film is based around. Then it picks up to the fairly decent ending showdown.

The characters are another big flaw in the film. Think of all the memorable characters from the original trilogy. In this, the only interesting characters are Obi-Wan and Anakin, and that's only because we already know them from the other films. The others are all very dull or extremely annoying! Which brings me on to my next point... What was Lucas thinking bringing in Jar Jar Binks?! Everything about him makes me want to scream, and watching it again, he really has no role in the film. If you take him out, everything would still make sense and would probably lift the film up a bit to be honest.

Another annoying aspect to the film is that it is, undoubtedly, trying to find another audience. The film is incredibly childish at times, which just turns out to be very annoying. They also make cheap jokes, mainly through Binks, which don't work and just end up breaking the flow of the film. Star Wars is supposed to be such an epic, you can't have an epic if you make it PG. It's such a kick in the teeth to fans of the original story! 

The film is only of any worth due to the nostalgic trip it gives you. Some of the references and the characters you see are pretty much worth watching the film alone, but that's not the point. George Lucas should have taken a lot more care with this film. He had made such a brilliant original trilogy, but that gives him no right to cash in on a bad film.

Snowglo: The Review Community

What is Snowglo? 

I have recently become part of the promo-team for an up and coming company called Snowglo. This is a new exciting website where you can earn money by writing reputable reviews. When you sign up to Snowglo you will be given your own profile page. One you have done this, you can write reviews on practically everything, this is taken from Amazon. All of your reviews will begin to appear on your profile page. Once you start writing your reviews, you will start making Snowglo friends, like you do on Facebook. Snowglo is all about sharing opinions and finding friends that share your opinions! Once you have made new friends on the site, you will begin to see all their friends new reviews on the review feed. You then have the ability to make money from your reviews on the sight and work your way up the snowglo ranking system to make more money!

The website will bring people's opinions together, and people will only be heard but also rewarded for their views. Snowglo is going to grow into a fantastic and safe community of people who are not only making profits, but having fun while whilst doing it.

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My thoughts on VGHS: Episode 1!

I've been watching Freddie Wong video's from practically the beginning and have been a fan for ages. So when I heard about the production of VGHS I was pretty excited. I mean Freddie Wong, Brandon and a bunch of other cool guys making a series all about video games? Count me in!

So I recently just watched the first episode, without really knowing much about what it was about, and first things first, this has Freddie Wong written all over it. It's practically a montage of his video's put together. You have the war games, the classic jokes, the awkward kids and the cringey-ness that everyone knows and loves about Freddie Wong.

I really enjoyed the first episode. It's basically a feature length Freddie Wong video and what's not to enjoy about that?

I will definitely watch the next episode, to see where this leads.

Saturday, 2 June 2012

Varndean School's football team leaving assembly video

Take a look at this video. Me and the rest of our school football team made this video for our year 11 leavers assembly.

Take a look and if you find it funny, share it!